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The Bitcoin Matrix

Jun 26, 2022

In this very special and heartwarming episode Tomer Strolight returns for the third time to discuss five more of his wonderful pieces.

We cover Beautiful Bitcoin, Why Bitcoin is the World's Most Inclusive Institution, Why Bitcoin is the Path to Economic Stability, Why Bitcoin is Worthy of Being Loved and Why Bitcoin is...

Jun 19, 2022

This was one of my favorite conversations from 2020, when I first started the show, that I want to share again at this particular moment. I think this episode encapsulates such a wide range of ideas about bitcoin, bitcoiners and monetary freedom and expresses them is such an entertaining and dramatic fashion. 


Jun 13, 2022

In this important and eye-opening episode Cedric sits down with Sam Callahan from behind enemy lines to talk about the Bank of International Settlements, it's formation and dubious history. 

What exactly is the BIS? What do they do? Do they have a moral compass? Why is there a bank above all governments? Why is it...

Jun 6, 2022

In this episode Cedric sits down with Dr. Patrick C. Melder from the Bitcoin Lake project to talk about all things Lago Bitcoin, Guatemala, lake Atitlan, biomining and the holy grail of Bitcoin. 

Inspired by Bitcoin Beach in El Salvador, Bitcoin Lake wants to educate the local community on the various benefits and...