Jan 26, 2021
Robert Breedlove sits down with Ced to discuss:
- Is Bitcoin the incorruptible substance that alchemists strived for
- How the Central Bank is the greatest institution of tyranny in human history & will Bitcoin disrupt it
- Why ancient wisdom such as yoga, meditation & pyschedelics like ayahausca are making a return
Jan 19, 2021
Jimbo, the author of Orange Coin Good: The Value of Bitcoin sits down with Cedric to discuss:
- Why green paper is bad
- How money really enters the system
- How have humans prevented cheating throughout history
- The role of reciprocity in human evolution and behavior
- What is the perspective of a holder
- How...
Jan 13, 2021
Yuri de Gaia, Partner at BTC Reserve HQ, Founder of Liquiditi HQ, host of Citadelium, Bitcoin blogger and author of Bitcoin as a Sucession Tool sits down with Cedric to discuss:
- How to deal with Imposter Syndrome
- How do you build your inner Citadel
- Is there an end to material desire
- How Bitcoiners are better...
Jan 11, 2021
In this wide-ranging conversation with the co-founder of the website, blog and meme WTF Happened in 1971? Ben Prentice and Cedric discuss:
- The history of coin clipping
- What the temptation to money printing must be like
- Is their a 500 year Central Banking cabal
- The history of bank holidays and the suspension of...
Jan 5, 2021
Nico is a Venezuelan American entrepreneur who found himself immediately drawn to Bitcoin because of the immense implications the technology has to change the world and himself.
Nico and Ced chat about:
- Getting everything he ever wanted growing up
- How the 2008 financial crisis changed everything for him
- Dealing...